The Istanbul Institute for Islamic Economics and Finance (IIIEF) is working to carry out to provide a better understanding of the Islamic Economics and Finance structure, concept, paradigm and system in a theoretical and practical way. With a global perspective, IIIEF aims to offer research programs, projects and training schools to support the development and implementation of economic and financial models and systems in accordance with the Islamic worldview, moral and political economy, financial principles, and values of ethical and sustainable free-interest based structure and human nature. IIIEF will focus on consciousness and awareness in the field of Islamic economics and finance to prepare a suitable environment to produce solutions based on Islamic principles, moral and ethical values to provide solutions to the economic and financial problems of humanity. Within mizan and ihsan paradigms, IIIEF offers Certificate Programs on Islamic economics and finance, Islamic banking and finance, Islamic social finance and welfare institutions, and fintech technologies, etc. IIIEF aims to make a contribution to Islamic entrepreneurship development and empowerment of human capital and to support the field by producing new knowledge and developing application models within an interdisciplinary approach. Raising national and international awareness and helping researchers and practitioners to acquire knowledge and furious their skills in the field seems crucial for the future of humanity.